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Well, it is a sad day. Today we say goodbye to a friend… One of our favorite travel companions, the @leica_camera #VLUX Typ 114 has reached the end of a long road. In the last few years this camera has travelled the world with us. From frozen @glaciernps mountain tops in Montana to tropical lakes in #Guatemala, we took him everywhere. He made it through the dust storms of @burningman and rain storms on our @liquidiv humanitarian mission to Haiti. Here in this photo we were in @johnmuirnps taking in the beauty of the redwoods. A tough guy, he even survived a fall from a moving vehicle and significant burns to his lens housing when we left him too long, too close to a campfire to capture the perfect time lapse. Yes, this guy, this one right here.. THIS was a great camera. 😢Thanks for the memories buddy. We’ll miss you terribly! (but in all honesty, we are probably just going to replace you with another one just like you 😉👍🏼) #RIP #camera#travelcompanion @oneninth #oneninthmedia

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